Monday, September 19, 2011

Writing Tip ABCs, Part 6, P-R

We can see the end of the alphabet now from our stop at letters P, Q, R in the Writing Tip ABCs Series of blogs.

In mid October I'll be doing a series on publishing your book independently. Be sure to visit "Cavewriter" then for tips on how to self publish your book in e-format and paperback.

ABCs, Letter P

POINT OF VIEW (commonly known as POV) refers to the PERSPECTIVE in which a story or scene is told. This point of view may be done in first person (I saw), third person (she saw) or omniscient (the story teller sees everything, like God). It is usually best to use one POV per scene. If you want to change POV during a scene make the transition as smooth as possible so you don't disorient readers.

Never make things happen while PLOTTING. Let them happen in a way that suits the personalities of the characters. For example, let's say your main character is "Superman," and he stubs his toe. You want the readers to know Superman is sensitive, so you depict him crying when he stubs his toe. Readers probably won't buy this reaction which could cause them to stop reading. Better to show your superman as sensitive in a more believable way--maybe he could cry when his dog dies.

Forcing things to happen as you want is contriving a PLOT instead of constructing one. A reader knows the difference. Be honest and true to characters.

The PACE or movement of a story depends on the type of story, its intended length and the logical sequence of events necessary to tell the story.

Letter Q

Every story is a QUEST. Without goals and a plan to reach them (the QUEST)there is no story.

Don't overload readers with details. Tossing them into a QUAGMIRE of trivia may frustrate them and encourage them to close your book.

Leaving readers in a QUANDRY at the end of a scene entices them to read on. Leaving them in a QUANDRY at the end of the book might tick them off. If they don't like the way one of your books ends, they may not want to read another.

Letter R

Writers should constantly consider READERS when writing stories. It's a good idea to build characters and stories which will entertain and connect with READERS.

After breathing a sigh of relief once the first draft is complete, authors must face the task of REWRITING. Creating consistency, fixing character development flaws, sequencing scenes and events logically, correcting grammatical problems, deletions and additions are all part of REWRITING a story.

Scenes are either action or REACTION segments in a story. If in scene five the hero tries to solve a problem and is thwarted by the villain, scene six will feature the hero's reaction to his setback.

For more Writing Tip ABCs go to:

Have a great week!


Fran Shaff, Award-Winning Author

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