Monday, March 28, 2011

News and Tips

I haven't updated my latest news here for a while so I'm going to do that before I post a few writing tips.

It is exciting to see that "Married While Intoxicated" (romantic comedy) is the # 1 BESTSELLER in short humor at, and it is the # 4 Bestseller in short romance there.

Blurb: Ever do anything ill advised while under the influence? Melinda and Matthew did.

See the video for "Married While Intoxicated" at:

"Married While Intoxicated" is available at major Internet E-Book Stores.

"Male Fraud," a romantic comedy novella is in the release stage. It is currently available at Amazon Kindle and is coming soon to B&N, Sony Books, I-Books, Kobo Books and more.

Blurb: Terry Fiscus disguises herself as a man in order to get a job as trainer for the pro football Chicago Cyclones. When Coach Dan Barringer meets Terry outside of work and gets to know her as the lovely "Teresa" he falls in love, and so does she. As Terry tries to manage her double life things get complicated and very funny.

See the video at:

"Male Fraud" has just started its own page at Facebook. I'd appreciate readers stopping by to "Like" it.

Here's the link:

This week's writing tips:

1. When rejection or unfair criticism rear their ugly heads, writers should take a moment to get out a piece of work which they believe they've written really well. They should read it and know their only defeat comes when they allow rejection or unfair criticism to stop them from writing. There isn't a writer alive, no matter how successful they are in every sense of the word, who hasn't been rejected, given a bad review or had their work otherwise disparaged.

2. It's a good idea for writers to make time everyday to write even if it's only a few minutes.

3. Writers need to take a little time to celebrate accomplishments before getting back to work, no matter how many deadlines are looming.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week, full of spring sunshine.


Fran Shaff, Award-Winning Author

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