Tuesday, June 21, 2011

E-Book Reading Devices

When e-books first arrived on the scene we read them on our computers or PDAs. Now we can read them on multiple devices.

Recently I downloaded the Adobe Digital Editions software for reading e-pub formatted books on my computer. Terrific clarity, very user friendly.

PDF files have always been nice to read on computers, and they continue to be a top choice for readers.

A few months ago I bought a Kindle. I totally LOVE it. It is a very impressive device. Readers can download books directly from Amazon to their Kindle or they can access books from other retail websites via their computers and then transfer these Mobi files to their Kindle. PDF and other text files are also transferable and readable on the Kindle. I'm sure there is much more a person can do with their Kindle, but I'm still learning.

(Readers, please add info you have about the Kindle and other reading devices to the comments. Thanks!)

Amazon reported this week that they are now selling more Kindle books than print books at Amazon.com.

Barnes and Noble has the Nook reading device. I have heard nothing but good comments about this reader. People seem to love their Nooks as much as Kindle users love their reading devices.

Sony's reader is also quite popular. Again, I've heard nothing but satisfaction from readers of the Sony device.

Don't forget the I-Pad. Users of this fairly new device seem to love it, and Apple's I-Books are selling well.

In addition to the above devices many phones are also capable of carrying e-books. I have no personal experience with reading e-books on these devices. Since they are growing in popularity, though, I would guess people are enjoying newspapers, books and magazines on these slick devices too.

If you've been hesitant about getting an e-book reading device because you aren't sure you'd enjoying reading on it as much as you like reading hard copies of books, I want you to know that I am one reader who finds my Kindle books easier to read than paperbacks. The font size is adjustable, and they are less glaring than paperbacks when I'm reading in the sunshine. In fact, the Kindle doesn't glare at all in sunshine. Do indeed check out the reading device you think would best suit you and find out how terrific it can be. You'll be so glad you did.

Then begin to enjoy your summer reading.


Fran Shaff, Award-Winning Author

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